Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Presidential Address to Congress.

44th President of the United States Barack Obama gave his State of the Nation/Address to Congress speech today (not to be confused with the State of the Union because those are in January). I rushed home so I could blog this in its entirety so you better read through this.

This speech is supposed to be 'somber' but 'hopeful' and I think so far he's been successful in doing so. He's received (45) applauses/standing ovations from Congress. The timing is a little awkward but at least they like what he's saying.

One thing that I'm thoroughly fascinated with is the 'audience reaction' polling that's showing the responses of a group of regular citizens to specific words or phrases. The two groups are Obama Voters and McCain voters. Surprisingly, both the lines have stayed quite high. Both lines went slightly lower when he mentioned the bank bailout, which has and never will be popular amongst the populous. The talk about war has made both lines disappear so far up the positive side it's most likely at 100% satisfaction from both Obama and McCain voters.

I'm really hoping when the camera pans to a specific congressman that one of them will be sleeping...At least Joe Biden looks awake and alive (unlike Cheney who always looks like he's about to fall asleep). BUSTED! Old, blading man with glasses was sleeping! Damn, I haven't narrowed it down have I...

Can I say that I totally called it about the color of Obama's tie? Yes it's RED! And I knew Joe would wear BLUE because he wants to bring out his pretty eyes =P

Memorable Moments:

- "Because nobody messes with Joe [Biden]" Too adorable!!

- Nancy is so gung-ho about everything Obama is saying that she's more excited than I've ever seen her (leading many standing ovations)

- "Cost of action will be great, but cost of inaction will be greater" is such an overused line but both audience reaction and the Congress shot up

- "Our job is to govern with responsibility" FINALLY!

- "It's not about helping banks, it's about helping people"

-"Slowly but surely, our confidence will return, and our economy will recover" Top notch stuff!

- Peter Orszag is too cute! I just had to add that, he looks very impressed.

- anamariecox's Twitter: "Rahm and Orszag walking in one-two are they just **TEASING** me for no reason????" I<3Her! I know what you mean Ana, oh those two.

- "Energy, health care, and education" Oh the big three! Eat up this stuff!

- "It is time for America to lead again" Eat that up too!

- "We can't afford to put health care on hold" Can't we? Please?

- "Health care cannot wait, it will not wait, and it must not wait another year!" This is like a buffet of words, I can't get enough

- reform. Reform. REFORM. MOTHER-EFFIN REFORM!!!!

- Black Caucus is very happy from what I can see.

- A mention of Senator Edward Kennedy receives a standing ovation and as he should.

- Lindsay Graham looks a tad sleep

- "I speak to you not just as your President but as a father" take care of your damn kids kay!

- OMG there is totally "here here!" happening! Parliamentary style bitches!

- "See I know we can get some consensus in here" oh you witty man

- "From the deficit we inherited" got cheering? Wtf?

- "Fairness and balance" uhm did you get the Fox News talking points by accident?

- McCain is damning Congress for making him stand up so many times

- "You [troops] have our unyielding support" one of the longest standing ovations

- GITMO gets a shout out!


- "But in my life I have learned that hope is found in unlikely places"

- Miami bank man gets shout out and long standing ovation (he gave his bonus to all his employees)

- Last lines not very memorable cuz I was talking to my brother and missed them...

- I SEE RAHM! FINALLY! HE WAS SITTING BESIDE PETER! Ok, I'm done fangirling now.

PHEW! That took awhile. The speech lasted about an hour. Obama needs some hand sanitizer, too many hands from both sides of the aisle. He's a freaking celebrity!! He's signing so many autographs, such a glam-queen!

So now Gov. Bobby Jindal is giving his response in a bit to the speech. I would hate to be him right now because no matter what justification he gives to his opposition to Obama's speech, he'll look like an uber-partisan! This is what happens when you're one of the only colored Republicans. "Governor Buzzkill" I couldn't have put it in a better way Keith Olbermann.

Ok this post is too long now! But I hope you have enjoyed! If I have any follow ups, I will make a new post! Ciao!

- Franny.

(Word on the street is that Attorney General Eric Holder was the chosen one to stay behind at the White House today. I haven't confirmed it yet but since I didn't see him there, it's pretty safe to say =P)

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