Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everyone is MIA.

So there hasn't been anything posted for awhile because I don't know where one of my bloggers is and I don't know if my other blogger has anything to contribute as of late. I wish I could post lengthy discussions on a specific topic but it's too damn hard with school and my need to watch the West Wing =P But I come bringing little news bites just to keep thing going.

Tom Daschle withdrew his nomination to be Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services today. And why did he do this? Well think about Tim Geithner but the failed counterpart...yes, it was because of pesky TAX issues! Tom didn't want to be a drag on the administration so instead of fighting it out until the very end like Tim did, he's decided to just step back and allow the administration to move forward (how selfless). So who's on the shortlist to become the next Sec. of HHS? Not a clue but some people somewhere (you know who you are =P) want Howard Dean to fill the position but other people (I know who I am and you know who you are =P) want Ezekiel Emanuel (older brother of Rahm and Ari Emanuel) to do it. But that's just wishful thinking.

That enormous withdrawal hid the withdrawal of Performance Czar Nancy Killefer, who would've been the first to take hold that title if she didn't run into issues with, you guessed it, TAXES! OMG PEOPLE! PAY YOUR DAMN TAXES! I forgave Geithner because he's just too cute he was an honest mistake and he was the first in line. But these other ones, even though they're mistakes as well, is making me increasingly more intolerable of people in high positions 'forgetting' to pay their taxes. But I still wish both Nancy and Tom the best of luck in whatever they're planning to do after rejecting the Obama Administration.

I seriously need some more people to blog about other topics because I am incapable of being well-rounded =P If you read this and want to blog, leave a comment! We need you! Thanks!

Until next time (which hopefully will be sooner rather than later), Ciao!

- Franny.

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