Monday, April 20, 2009

Blogging To The Extreme

I recently watched a move called 40 Days and 40 Nights (I pray that you don't laugh at me for that statement :) with a friend (yes it was a girl, does that make up for me watching a stupid movie?) in which the main character gives up sex for Lent (the preparation of the believer for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ (no, not the Mel Gibson movie) and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ) (props to Wikipedia for the definition). It got me thinking of what I could give up for 40 days and as I’m not having much sex as it is I couldn’t give that up like the movie plus I don’t think abstinence is really that hard, unless you're a sex addict then it probably is, so I started to wonder what I would sacrifice for forty days. However I couldn’t find anything that I can’t live without for forty days in my life so I said screw it I won’t give up something for forty days instead I’ll give something. No I’m not gonna go the opposite way of the movie and try to have sex with 40 women in 40 days, though I guess that would be an ego booster. I firmly believe that it is impossible and insensitive I mean no one can have 40 one night stands in a row and not feel bad after the 3rd or 4th time at least, you’d have to be a real dick (no pun intended, really).

Anyway I tried to think of a positive way I could do something for forty days and here it is: I will post on the blog every day for forty days starting Wednesday April 22, 2009. Why Wednesday you ask? One, on that day it will be exactly 40 days until my birthday (figure it out yourself). Two, it will also be my last forty days in Canada until I go on a wretched vacation to a country I have no interest in with my parents and I am still not completely sure when I will have internet access. Three, I have a final exam on Tuesday (International Studies) that I absolutely can’t miss because, you know my future depends on it and such but who cares about that really, the main thing is I won't be able to post that day. So there it is in writing, I will post for forty straight days about whatever, it will be random, exciting and fun I promise. If you guys wanna see a particular topic to be talked about you can contact us on twitter, by posting comments on the blog, and by email at

Peace and Much Love To Ya :P

*Note: Lent is over and I'm not even Christian so I'm not doing this for a religious cause or any cause for that matter, I'm just doing it for fun and to enjoy my last month and a third at home


Franny. said...

This is a fantastic idea! It makes me wish I had more time to blog (which I haven't in forever). I would try something similar, but I can't live without anything I currently live with (parents don't count right?) and I don't have much to give.

But I will be making sure you stick to this because I would love to see this happen! =) Good luck!

JabberWocky said...

Haha Thanks. Yea I don't think parents count plus they'd develop empty nest syndrome or something, and you have plenty to give I believe such as the smiles on people's faces when they read your posts and such.

Of course I will go through with this and it will happen, it isn't just for me you know but for all the readers too and our splendid writers oh and of course my co-creator of the blog :)

Anonymous said...

This seems like a good idea but I have to wonder if you'll actually stick to it since you guys tend to go through periods in which there are no posts at all but I hope you can stick to it

JabberWocky said...

To Anonymous, I thank you for taking the time to comment and I promise I won't let you guys down, I will post for 40 straight days.

Peace and Much Love To Ya :)