Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Waterboarding; 32 Days Left

The debate over torture is getting personal for two prime-time TV hosts. After Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity made a jokingly impromptu offer last week to undergo waterboarding as a benefit for charity, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann leapt at it. He offered $1,000 to the families of U.S. troops for every second Hannity withstood the torture practice.

In the video, one can plainly see that Hannity does not take waterboarding as the serious issue it is and an irate Keith Olbermann just sounds off and basically says Hannity doesn't have the balls to get waterboarded 'cause he can talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Then KO made the offer that he would personally donate $1,000 to the families of U.S. troops for every second Hannity "survived" and he would double it if after the event Hannity would publicly state that he feared for his life after the practice.

Olbermann repeated the offer on Monday's show and said in an interview on Tuesday that he's heard no response. He said he'll continue to pursue it.

"I don't think he has the courage to even respond to this, let alone do it," Olbermann said.

The two men are on opposite sides of the spectrum on the issue. Hannity says waterboarding is a fair and necessary interrogation technique for suspected terrorists; while Olbermann calls it torture, says it's ineffective and should not be done by Americans. Besides the Fox vs. MSNBC rivalry Olbermann insists that it has nothing to do with the TV rivalry and everything with the issue being discussed, because he believes Hannity has had a damaging influence in the debate.

"If you expose people to reality, even with someone who is denying reality, that can have a powerful and important impact," he said.

Peace and Much Love To Ya <3

*Note: your Top 5 hottest men lists must be submitted before Sunday, May 3rd and the list of the 25 hottest men will be revealed on Friday, May 8th

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