I’m sure everyone has heard about the corruption scandal sprouting out of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s ass. Can I just say one thing? What an IDIOT! Pardon my language but where does this guy find the stones to be such a dumbass? “Pay to play” Chicago politics? This does not bode well for President-elect Barack Obama, his team, or the good politicians in Illinois.
For those who have not heard, Blago got busted for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder. His office and phones were tapped and caught him saying things such as, “I’ve got this thing. And it’s [bleeping] golden. I’m just not giving it up for [bleeping] nothing,” and about Obama’s camp, “They’re not willing to give me anything but appreciation. Bleep them.” I really don’t care that he was trying to sell the seat, but he’s dragging Obama’s team into the dirt!
The main thing I want to discuss here is that the media is trying to link Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as the ‘adviser’ from the transition team that was part of the complaint against Blago. Firstly, this adviser was not named. Secondly, there is no evidence at all that this adviser is Emanuel. Thirdly, even if the adviser was Emanuel, he didn’t do anything criminal because he would only have been the communicator between the Obama camp and Blago. The press is so hungry for an Obama-related scandal that they’re willing to ruin Emanuel’s political career over speculation! Pardon my language again but this is bullshit!
The Chicago Sun-Times tried to pry Emanuel when he was at his children’s recital. Obviously Emanuel would be pissed about this invasion of personal space but he was kind enough to not punch the reporter and just denied to answer anything. Emanuel told a reporter from ABC that he had been getting death threats because the media has invaded his privacy and released information such as his residence. This is not high school. Rumors and gossip should not be considered truth or even close to it.
Hey media, take a look at this: AP: Rahm Emanuel is not a target of the Blagojevich Investigation. You know why? Because he’s not guilty of anything! Get it through your thick lenses. In summary: Blagojevich is a scumbag, Emanuel is innocent, and assuming that Blago will go to jail, he’ll be the 4th out of the last 8 governors of Illinois to do so.
I apologize if this post seems all over the place. I’m seriously incredibly pissed off about this. I’m starting a mental “Dead to Me” list. Ciao.
- Franny.
(P.S. I am not going to waste my time on the fail of the auto bailout on the senate floors because the White House will ‘come to the rescue’ anyway.)
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