Aside from the fact that I've lived in the lower mainland for over a decade, I'm really starting to enjoy Vancouver more and more each day. Why? The Olympics are in town! And that means throngs of foreigners lost in the pretty streets of Vancouver, as well as Richmond, and Whistler (but who cares about the mountains, they're not in my way). So who are ya'll rooting for? I'm obligated to cheer for Canada, and don't get me wrong, I cheer just as loud as anyone when they win a medal (Montgomery from Manitoba? Hells ya!), but anyone who knows me knows that part of me, ok, all of me, bleeds red, white and blue. Call me a traitor if you may, but there's just something so patriotic about those colors that I can't help but be drawn to it like priests to young boys (oh no, politically incorrect joke, um warning?).
Segue to the man who was conceived by Jesus and Uncle Sam (another politically incorrect joke? oh no she didn't!) on the USS Lincoln: Stephen T. Colbert! *cheers* *chants* USA USA USA! */chants* That's right, the man himself was here in Vancouver and did not one, but TWO shows on muddy as hell land beside Science World. Why was it so muddy? I have no clue but my Uggs aren't happy. Anywho, ya'll will see the footage next week so I won't spoil anything, but I will say that not one, but TWO full grown men ride a fake moose, all because we chanted "Ride the Moose! Ride the Moose!". And in Canadian fashion, when our beloved man attempts to ride the moose, we chanted "Don't Get Hurt! Don't Get Hurt!" to which he responds something along the line of we are fully responsible if he does. Oh how I love this man.
And did I mention that I touched his hand? Ok let's say slapped it cuz I sound creepy otherwise. And he signed my stuff! He signed that day's 24 Hours because for once they put an it-getting cover as well as my iPhone (which is still shrink wrapped; anyone who knows how to preserve Sharpie on plastic let me know). Hmm what else must I tell the world? He's taller than the last time I saw him (though it may be because he flew by me too quickly) and he's noticeably aging but in a good way! Oh and an eagle flew by before the first taping, that was awesomely coincidental.
For those Canadian fans who are still reading, Canada's sweetheart Michael Buble was a guest and when he was backstage, I waved to him and he winked and waved back (either to me or in my general direction, but I took initiative and waved first). He's very good looking =)
All in all, it's been a great Olympics (thus far) and although my volunteer gig sucks (I've only seen local anchors so far) and I never got to meet DP (he left after like 3 days! although I was very close to Bob Costas and he's DP's buddy so in that sense I guess it...nevermind), I can say it's been a success! Although Canada lost in bloody hockey to the U S of A, I'm not surprised, and not disappointed. Keep your chin up Canada, just because it's the national sport doesn't mean you have to be good at it. See how positive I am? Yay Olympics =)
- Franny.
(I've changed the font color because apparently it was hard to read, not that you'll read anyway you -expletives-
1 comment:
The font was easier to read! haha you and your colbert. ew.
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